
What I do :

Unreal Engine Tools Programmer

As a tools programmer, I can create custom plugins for Unreal Engine that run within the editor environment.
These plugins can help streamline workflows and improve efficiency for teams working on projects in Unreal Engine.

Unreal Engine Gameplay Programmer

As a gameplay programmer with extensive experience in Unreal Engine.
I have the skills and knowledge to develop custom runtime gameplay systems that enhance the player experience.
My expertise in the Unreal Engine API and proficiency in C++ allows me to create tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of my clients.

Front-End Design Implementation

As a front-end developer, I have the skills and experience to implement mockups of design in existing websites.
My expertise extends to a wide range of web technologies, including Next.js, React.js, HTML, CSS, SCSS and more.

Back-End Development

As a backend developer with skills and experience in creating custom REST APIs, I can enable data exchange between systems and applications.
My expertise allows me to develop APIs that are scalable, reliable, and secure.
With the posibility of real-time data exchange, using technologies such as WebSockets.

WebRTC Development

As a skilled WebRTC developer, I have the expertise to quickly create prototypes for real-time communication applications.
My experience in implementing WebRTC and setting up STUN and TURN servers allows me to rapidly develop functional prototypes.
Whether you need to test out a new video conferencing feature, a real-time chat system, or another type of real-time communication, I can help you create a working prototype in a short amount of time.

Let's Collaborate and Brainstorm!

I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to collaborate with clients and help bring their ideas to life.
Whether you have a clear vision for your project or you're still brainstorming and looking for guidance, I'm here to listen and help you shape your ideas into a plan of action.
Let's work together to turn your vision into a reality.